JoAuthor: Jo Garner


This week we’re celebrating the launch of our new online training for small, community-based non-profit organisations (raising less than $100,000 per year).

In response to increasing requests from these smaller NFPS (smaller only in revenue, not in importance of impact they have in their communities!) we have developed an accessible, affordable online learning program, aimed at increasing the capacity of local community-led organisations.

While the same rules of engagement apply, the processes for grant-seeking best-practice are quite different for small, volunteer-run community organisations than for large charities that have structured management and staff. Processes to identify project wish lists, identify the funders, write applications and manage relationships and reporting, are just as important but need to be adapted according to available organisational resourcing.

Our team’s combined vast experience in working with and as both grant-seekers and grant-makers – and also as volunteers in our own local communities – has informed the development of this training.

In addition, we drew on the experience of our Research and Strategy Manager, Jane, who has recently completed a Master’s degree in community development. Her study and research had a strong focus on the power that groups of people can have when they work together, communicate effectively, and create projects from the very ‘grassroots’ of their communities. This idea of giving people the skills and tools they need to benefit and strengthen their own communities is very close to our hearts!

Across five modules, community grant-seekers will be guided through the preparation of grant applications, with practical examples, printable checklists and templates, to help ensure only relevant applications are submitted and those that are, have a strong change at success.

We know that community-based organisations are always stretched for time and resources, so once you sign up for the training, it is accessible for six months.

Our goal is that this online training will build capacity among volunteers in community groups and small organisations who want to move to more systematic grant-seeking, so that they obtain the funding they require to continue the exceptional work they do in supporting local community needs.