

Author: Kate Sunners


There have been a few enquiries lately about what information is included in our grants and funding database, accessed through GEM Portal for charities with over $500,000 annual turnover or GEM Local for community-based, largely volunteer led groups or small nonprofits.

Well, it’s easier to write than to say them all – it gets to be a bit of a tongue twister on the phone! – so here’s the list:

Private, Corporate, Government & Family Philanthropic Foundations
Community Foundations
Public and Private Ancillary Funds
Trustee Companies
Local Government Grants (Councils)
Federal and State Government Grants
Government Tenders
Some Corporate Social Responsibility endeavours and sponsorships
Fairy Godmothers

That last one was just to check you were still reading.

And how do we find all this information? It’s no secret, it’s just lots of research work and continuous conversations with our funder friends. We keep our database up to date, daily,by subscribing to funder, trustee company and government department websites, setting up Google Alerts for grant keywords, following funders on social media, and setting regular alerts for our hardworking grants research team to check in on dates as they near the time the grant was offered last year. Every day our dedicated team of NFP grant research specialists are online and updating our database with the latest grant deadlines and funding information.

Seriously though, wish-granting Fairy Godmothers would be great. If anyone has their details, do pass them on! 


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